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Workforce QA CCF & eCCF: What is the difference? - Is one better?
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CCF & eCCF: What is the difference?

What is a CCF?

CCF stands for Custody and Control Form and it is used to collect and track a drug test. The form establishes a record of the control and transfer of a drug testing specimen, typically from a donor to the collector, to the lab, and eventually documents the test result review and determination by the Medical Review Officer. It accompanies a drug test specimen through the drug testing process so that it is clear who has had control of the specimen at all points of the process. There are five copies of the federal CCF, distributed to the laboratory (with the specimen), the MRO, the collector, the employer, and the donor.

A federal CCF is divided into 7 sections or steps:

  • Step 1: Collects the donor information – including the SSN/ID. It also outlines important information about the test performed – test reason, type of test, clinic/collector info, and regulatory authority.
  • Step 2: Documents specimen integrity checks (e.g temperature, split specimen, observed collection) and contains collector remarks on the collection process, if necessary.
  • Steps 3 and 4 document the completion of the specimen collection, including the collector signing and dating the certification statement about the collection of the specimen. The laboratory documents the receipt and accessioning of the specimen.
  • Step 5 is completed by the donor, including signing a statement that the specimen belongs to him/her and was labeled and sealed in his/her presence.
  • Steps 5 a and 5 b are completed by laboratory personnel after the specimen is analyzed.

Steps 6 and 7 are completed by the Medical Review Officer after the test result is reported by the laboratory.

CCF example

What is the difference between CCF and eCCF?

eCCF means Electronic Custody and Control Form. It is the same form with the same purpose as the five-ply paper copy, but an electronic version. This provides the ability to perform a drug test anywhere an eCCF system is available (FormFox and eScreen123 are two common eCCF software solutions). No more paper CCFs need to be shipped to clinics or given to donors when heading to a clinic.

An eCCF also provides the ability to pre-order drug tests. With WFQA’s TRAQ platform, users can enter the necessary donor and testing information on their computer and order the test at the desired clinic. Then, when the donor arrives at the clinic, the order information is pre-populated for the collector. This greatly reduces spelling errors and incomplete CCFs that ultimately delay a test result. In addition, TRAQ receives automated notifications that display to the user the exact time a drug test collection starts and finishes.

Simply put: an eCCF simplifies the collection process, and dramatically increases the efficiency of your drug testing program.

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