Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA is no longer accepting requests to re-designate a DOT drug test as a non-DOT test.

Effective immediately, FMCSA no longer accepts requests to convert a DOT drug test to a non-DOT test. However, if a violation has been incorrectly reported to the FMCSA’s Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse based on a non-DOT drug test, or a DOT drug test that should have been processed as non-DOT, a petition to request correction of the driver’s Clearinghouse record may be submitted through FMCSA’s DataQs system: https://dataqs.fmcsa.dot.gov/. Â
Detailed instructions on how to file a petition are available here:
If the test result has not been entered into the Clearinghouse, then the employer can make the determination without consulting with FMCSA. The employer should create a record of the justification that would be available upon request in the event of a future inspection.
In either case, there is no need to contact the laboratory that reported the result, or to request the laboratory to re-report the result as non-DOT.Â
NOTE: The information above is also setup as the autoreply when someone emails fmcsadrugandalcohol@dot.gov. The FMCSA is aware that most messages to that inbox pertain to downgrade requests.